Providing insights into trends in life insurance application activity.
The MIB Life Index report, issued monthly, provides insights into trends in application activity for individually underwritten life insurance.
Application activity for these reports is based on inquires to the MIB Checking Service℠ performed by member company underwriters. Since the MIB Checking Service is used to underwrite the vast majority of individually underwritten life insurance policies in the US and Canada (estimated as high as 90 percent), MIB has a unique ability to estimate application activity and provide the industry with insights into trends over time.
The MIB Life Index examines activity levels by age group, product type and face amount, and provides quarterly, monthly, and year-to-date comparisons. Reports are produced separately for both U.S. and Canadian activity.
As of the January 2021 report (published in February 2021) we began reporting on industry activity using straight period over period percent changes (YTD, YOY, MOM and QOQ) based on calendar days. All historic data presented in our 2021 reports has been restated to reflect this current methodology.
The Life Index starts with all inquiries into the MIB Checking Service, including all facultatively underwritten life reinsurance activity. The data is filtered for life insurance product types of Term Life, Universal Life and Whole Life as reported to MIB by our members. Unknown product type is also assumed to be life insurance. Guaranteed issue and other non-underwritten individual and group life insurance are not reflected because MIB Checking Service is not used for those market segments. Percent changes are then calculated using the average number of MIB inquiries per day for a given period.
Historical reports archived on our website reflect the methodology in place at the time of publication. As such, the annual 2020 report, and all other reports published prior, include percent changes based on a time-set benchmark with percentages based on business days.
From January 2017 through year-end 2020 reports, the benchmark comparison (basis=100) for the MIB Life Index was January 2011. Prior to that, the benchmark comparison was January 2001.
Provide us with your contact information and we will email you when the latest Life Index report is available.
Watch our video series for additional insughts on long-term trends in application activity by face amount and gender.
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