Providing data, insights and digital solutions that support the life insurance industry.
Identifying frequent application activity to help detect possible over insurance or misrepresentations.
Alerting MIB members when another member company enters an applicant’s information.
Flagging and monitoring potential disability over-insurance.
Providing a consolidated picture of the customer’s entire business relationship.
Trusted data and analytics to maximize visibility into near real-time market trends and market share.
Streamlining underwriting by automating medical data retrieval.
Transforming data into summarized output to make the underwriting process more efficient.
Protecting against identity fraud.
Identifying applicants with criminal convictions.
Flagging applicants with motor vehicle violations.
Uncovering pending and in force coverage to proactively manage jumbo risk exposure.
Enabling validation of application details and identification of risk patterns that can impact financial underwriting decisions.
Improving the application experience and underwriting process with industry-leading digital tools.
Making contracting and compliance more efficient for Canadian carriers, advisors and MGAs.
Facilitating efficient and accurate compliance reporting.
Providing actuarial insights into industry trends.
Identifying deceased policyholders for unclaimed property compliance.